Symposium C-6: Surface Tension and Surface Charge Driven Phenomena in Soft Matter

(Mechanics of Biological and Soft Materials)

Symposium Organizers:

Siddartha Das, University of Maryland, College Park

Joshua B. Bostwick, Clemson University

Symposium Technical Description

Surface tension and surface charges are intrinsic properties of solid-liquid interfaces. For problems in which the solid is a soft, deformable one (e.g., membrane of a biological cell or a gel), the physics becomes complex and the analysis challenging. Understanding surface tension and surface charge mediated phenomena at soft interfaces hold the key for probing a variety of biophysical and technological applications, ranging from cell motion, cell adhesion, and nanoparticle-membrane interactions to nanofabrication, drop durotaxis, and soft-nanochannel-ion transport.

This symposium will serve as a platform for researchers to exchange ideas and perspectives to elucidate the role of surface tension and surface charges in soft matter. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the dynamics of drops, particles, and cells on soft surfaces; role of surface tension in adhesion and nanoparticle-membrane interactions; thermodynamics of polymer and polyelectrolyte grafted nanochannels and nanoparticles; ion and liquid transport through polymer and polyelectrolyte grafted interfaces; soft electrokinetics; soft electrophoresis.

 Technical Program

Wednesday | W1 10:00am-11:40am

C6-1: Surface Tension and Surface Charge Driven Phenomena in Soft Matter
Room 2116
Session Chair: Siddartha Das, Joshua B. Bostwick Track C: Mechanics of Biological and Soft Materials
10:00 am Deformation of an elastic substrate due to a resting sessile droplet

Aaron Bardall

10:20 am Wetting ridge geometry and contact-angle hysteresis

Joshua Bostwick, Su Ji Park

10:40 am Discrete liquid-solid contact electrification and its various applications

Dongwhi Choi, Donghyeon Yoo, Sang Min Park, Dong Sung Kim

11:00 am Membrane tension regulates the geometry of stable pores in fused nuclear membranes

Mehdi Torbati, Ashutosh Agrawal

11:20 am Clathrin polymerization exhibits high mechano-geometric sensitivity

Ehsan Irajizad, Ashutosh Agrawal


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